Clare? United Kingdom
I work within the worlds of storytelling, psychology, social justice and wellbeing, and am an apprentice tapestry weaver.
I collect found objects, I wonder about attachments to things and to people and to place, I listen to stories and I help others to tell and retell and re-story themselves in defiance of the way that society might have tried to define or categorise or limit their voices. I understand and hope to co-create and co-shape the world through an anticolonial, antiracist and ecopsychological lens - we are all connected and we all contribute, and the ethics of our wellbeing is entwined with that of others and of the more-than-human world. Learning to weave is a way to bring together the strands, of identity, of story, of voice, of memory.....threads of all of the people and places and secrets and pain and belonging and othering and existing and breathing and dying that there has been and is and will be in the world. As I learn to weave, I learn to process, to listen more, to give voice within created artworks to the stories within and without.