Why register?

We ask all curators and artists to register on the site to ensure that they are real people and not robots. This helps us to cut down on possible spam messages and to keep your details safe.

Through registering and providing your email, we can also keep you up to date with all the latest opportunities and other site activity, and you can specify the kinds of notifications that you would like to receive on your settings page.

The free account allows you to make unlimited submissions to opportunities, as well as letting you create and manage your own opportunities. If you are interested in managing several opportunities, you can upgrade your account for just £5 per month.

Upgrade my account

Do you need more than the free account can offer? Do you want to support CuratorSpace and help us to give you an even better service in future?

There are lots of reasons to upgrade your account and subscriptions start from £5 per month for curators and £2.50 per month for artists (for a limit time only).

Find out more