Caitlin Flood-Molyneux United Kingdom
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Caitlin Flood-Molyneux is a contemporary Welsh painter based in the Valleys. Since completing their Master’s in Fine Art, Flood-Molyneux has exhibited pieces around the UK and US in various shows.

Flood-Molyneux’s practice originates from using gestural abstraction to express emotions and life experiences. Flood-Molyneux makes paintings that incorporate collage/figures that reflect emotions they have felt during the past few years. The paintings delve deep in exploration of feelings of grief, anger, and loss. Flood-Molyneux uses a range of mixed media which includes spray paint, oil paint, acrylics, and anything that can make a dynamic mark. The collage material used in this work comes from vintage comic books, old movie posters, and magazines from the 1970s. They use imagery that they feel symbolises events that have happened in their life and compliments this with bold abstraction as an expression of emotions. Flood-Molyneux’s work is deliberately vague and abstract, as it allows the viewer to create their own personal connection to the art and to provoke emotions in the viewer.

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