Ronen Raz Israel
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An artist/sculptor working mainly with biological tissues such as leather and hair, recently I have been using recycled leather primarily, creating realistic copies of inorganic materials, generic consumer goods, or of peripheral environments and events taking place on the margins of culture and the edge of the urban landscape.

I an artist/sculptor working mainly with recycle leather from livestock animal skins and hair, creating inorganics objects, realistic consumer products and sets, as well as marginal fauna incidents found at the edges of the urban landscape. I believe that using biological tissue as raw material for my works raises questions as to our deceased parts within our trivial ordinary life, conduct concerning the lives of others and our treatment of the planet we inhabit. There is something shocking about the plastic qualities of the skin. The sense of bewilderment stems from the encounter with the dead object's living matter. I am interested in creating a sense of urgency to draw closer, to close the distance of observation and physically touch the surface and confront the dissonance between the way things look and the way they actually are.


The perfect cage will be made out of the one who lives in it., Gold foil Leather, foil feathers, 24k foil hook, 2016


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