Jade Miners United Kingdom
I am a interdisciplinary artist focusing on the analysis of animal products we use and abuse in our western culture, my aim is to encourage the audience to consider the impact of anthropocentricity and the wastage accumulated after animal products are no longer needed.
My most recent project examines the abject experience in correlation with the uncanny and sublime through a body of interdisciplinary artwork. These three concepts are not indistinguishable but investigate the idea of boundaries that represent order and stability to the self, and the unease caused by the breaking of or disruption of this boundaries. Through the analysis of animal products used in the production of everyday objects, the work aims to stimulate self-reflection by transforming the object with anthropomorphic qualities and therefore generating a discomforting familiarity. The materials used came into consideration and the ethical implications of using animal matter to make art, to highlight this issue manmade materials were used as a surrogate. The work displays a semblance to the body through these materials and becomes biologically complex, drawing into question the relationship between the object and the self and the boundaries that constitute these distinctions.