Deadline: 07/11/2018

Venue: Bowery, Leeds  |  City: Leeds  |  Region: West Yorkshire  |  Country: United Kingdom  |  Bowery Leeds

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Calling photographers both amateur and professional for the opportunity to exhibit in Leeds. Submit 3 images of your work in relation to the state of urban loneliness that comes with living in a city. Deadline 7th November 2018.

“You can be lonely anywhere, but there is a particular flavour to the loneliness that comes from living in a city, surrounded by millions of people.”

“Loneliness is personal, and it is also political. Loneliness is collective; it is a city.

The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone (2016)

Olivia Laing’s investigative book on the state of urban loneliness beautifully captures what it is like to live in the modern world, a juxtaposition of feeling both connected and isolated.

Submit 3 images of your work in relation to the state of urban loneliness along with an artists statement for a chance to have your work shown in an exciting new exhibition. Please note artists may be asked for more than one print if successful.

Submission Deadline: 7th November

Exhibition date: 27th January - 5th April 2019


Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
Amateur and professional photographers alike.
When is the deadline?
7th November 2018
How many works can I submit?
How much does it cost?
Are there payments to artists?
Only if work is sold then the artist will recieve payment for sold work.
Do I need to be present?

You must have an account to send a message to the curator of this opportunity. Registering only takes a few moments. Once registered you'll be able to keep track of all of your submissions and get updates on upcoming opportunities.


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