OPEN CALL: 3-month online exhibitions
Deadline: 31/01/2020City: World Wide Web | Region: London | Country: United Kingdom | Tom Milnes
Open Call for exhibitions. DAR is now accepting proposals for Net Art/Interactive/Post-digital online exhibitions which run for the duration of 3 months in 2020 . The exhibitions are aimed at proposals for duo, group shows or collectives. NOT solo projects, solo artists please apply to our Digital Residencies.
DAR is now accepting proposals for Net Art/Interactive/Post-digital online exhibitions which run for the duration of 3 months in 2020. We are looking for exciting proposals which aim to engage with current discourse around online cultures.
**These submissions are only for curated group shows, of two or more artists. Artists/curators applying to the exhibition should outline which artists will be involved and the concept/theme of the exhibition. Duo, group shows or collectives are eligible but NOT solo projects. Solo artists please apply to our Digital/1-month Residencies.**
The online exhibitions can be group shows of more than one artist, which can evolve/be generative throughout the duration. Our new online portal allows curator/artist to develop experimental, ambitious interactive works, DAR will be looking for proposals which aim to make use of this potential.
Potential dates for exhibitions are:
1st March– 31st May 2020
1st June – 31st August 2020
1st Sept – 31st Dec 2020
Digital Artist Residency (DAR) is an online platform which provides a space for artists to develop work responding to our digital environment. The initiative aims to provide support for artwork created using digital processes, exploring the boundaries of art and technology. We are looking for challenging, engaging online works which communicate a critical understanding of the internet.
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