Find artists and invite them to apply to your opportunities

Curators with opportunities on CuratorSpace can now browse through our list of artist profiles, take a look at their previous work and experience, and then invite them to apply.

Using the information given to us when curators set up their opportunity we can now recommend relevant artist profiles on the site, and allow the organisers to invite these artists to apply to their opportunity. 

Curators can do this at any time by taking a look at our list of artists (go to and clicking the invite to apply button inside the relevant artist profile. 

Artists who are interested in being invited to apply for opportunities on CuratorSpace can sign up to get an artist profile by visiting We currently have a special early bird offer of £2 per month / £20 per year until October 31st 2017

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Not another listings site

CuratorSpace isn't another listings website; it's a place where curators and organisers can use custom online forms to allow artists to apply to their opportunity. It also allows you to see and manage all submissions made to your opportunity on the website, and to contact contributors directly.

Register now and you can start making submissions and even create your first opportunity for free.