Janet Harris South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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I am an art therapist and a mixed media artist based in the north of England. I explore residual memories of landscapes and environments where I lived and worked pre-pandemic, the changes that are occurring and how these affect our sense of being connected to places.

My practice starts with photographs and plain air sketches, engaging me in exploring what draws me into a place. These are 'deconstructed' by identifying the various images that capture a place - colour, light, shapes - and reconstructing them based on my memories of how it felt to be there. I use watercolours, pencil, crayon, pastel and acrylic during this process. The sketches may become finished work, or they may be used as a reference to producing larger works which include acrylic on board, watercolours, collage and encaustic.


Starglow, Watercolour and ink, 2024, £30


Out in the Middle of, Watercolour and ink, 2024, £30


The stars look very different today, Watercolour and ink, 2024, £180


One hundred thousand miles, Watercolour and ink, 2024, £180.00


For sale

Passage of Time, Watercolour, 2023, £350


End of the Bay, Watercolour, 2020, £500

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For sale

Erratics, Oil and cold wax, 2023, 180


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Contemporary art fairExhibitionResidency
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