Pippa East Sussex, United Kingdom
The majority of my work is an experiment. I usually think of the process of making as play - exploring materials that I have to hand, including light, and watching where they take me.
The world feels like hard work at the moment. Hard, and scary.
This may sound unexpected from an aspiring artist, but I want my work to feel safe.
I use small slivers of everyday objects and scenes, loops, light, and materials that we all encounter regularly to help keep my work close to home. I (usually) aim to create a feeling of reassurance and stillness; to make objects and films that draw you in, to stand and stare peacefully for a few moments, and - if I possibly can - leave you feeling a little happier about the rest of your day.
My favourite materials, when I have them, are porcelain and light, but I have played with tea and powdered milk, bubble wrap, paint, glue, string and sellotape, and I hope very much that this will continue!

Projects and exhibitions
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Dirty Secrets10/02/2022 — ongoing |
Fronteer Gallery, Sheffield | Details |
Come As You Are; Bring Art09/12/2021 — 12/12/2021 |
Filet, London | Details |
Tebbs Gallery - Surreal15/10/2021 — 14/11/2021 |
Online | Details |
Artwave27/08/2021 — 13/09/2021 https://www.newhavenprojects.co.uk/newhaven-open-call-2021/ |
Newhaven | Details |
Gelbersessel Exhibition 827/08/2021 — ongoing https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18004440133353061/ |
Online | Details |
X-Collab - Sensory10/08/2021 — 29/08/2021 https://www.thexcollab.com/ |
Not My Beautiful House, Kingston upon Thames | Details |
To be continued...08/07/2021 — 11/07/2021 |
Espacio, London | Details |
CityLit Flicks22/09/0021 https://www.citylit.ac.uk/blog/city-lit-flicks-film-animation-festival-2021 |
Online | Details |