Ieva Alksne Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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I primarily work with natural fibers. The main technique is wet felting often combined with weaving and occasional stitching. In my work, I enjoy experimenting with various British sheep breed wool. A strong believer in ethically and sustainably living and making. For my work, I acquire fleeces from local farmers just a short walk from my home in Audley.

A strong believer in ethically and sustainably living and making. For my work, I acquire fleeces from local farmers just a short walk from her home. Appreciating the opportunity to source the main material locally. I prefer to process fleeces for my work literally from sheep to finished item. The amazing variety of colors and shades that can be found within diverse types of sheep, makes it possible to create work with rarely needing an additional dyed wool. For me, the tactile nature of my chosen medium is a key element of the creative process. My work represents a dialogue between myself and the material; wool or other media are contributors to the final product. My work is a combination of my thoughts, physical sensations, environment, and medium. my pieces evoke a sense of Latvian traditional crafts and natural healing. I am a co-creator of Wellbeing Crafts. Wellbeing Crafts is a collaboration between me and Michelle Holland two designer-makers who share a common vision. In both their practices, the focus is on creating long-lasting natural products that can be passed from generation to generation.

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