Iona MacLeod Argyll, United Kingdom
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Hi my name is IONA I’m an ARTIST. What kind of artist? All kinds of artist! I make sculptures, videos, drawings, paintings, crafts, installations, performances, and photography. Sometimes my work is a single object, sometimes its a whole project. My work takes which ever form it needs to take in order to best express its self.

I am a visual artist. I studied sculpture and installation at The Ontario Collage of Art and Design in Canada, and am currently working on obtaining my MA in art and social practice at the University of the Highlands and Islands in Scotland. I’m a person on a mission to create work I find to be beautiful and interesting, with the hope that others will enjoy these qualities in my work as well.

I am driven by the need to create. To accommodate my appetite for creativity I have learned to work in many different mediums. My work takes the form of sculpture, drawings, paintings, videos, objects, performances, installations, and photography.

I'm a curious person so my work explores many different themes. In the past my work has explored themes around sexuality and how we perceive the sexuality of others. Recently I have been playing with masks to explore themes surrounding identity. How do we construct our identity? What happens to us when we remove our identity? Who do we become when we aren't ourselves?


The New Covenant , Video , 2015


The Abduction of Persephone , Cast Aluminum , 2016


Under Our Skin, Photography , 2016


The Ecstasy of Saint Sadie , Video , 2016


Actual footage of me trying to align my chakras. , Video Performance , 2020


What do you do with standing stones? , Video Performance , 2020


Mask: Face with Ears , 2020


Mask With Seeing Cheeks , 2020


Mask: Golem of Visual Taste, 2020


For sale

Mask: Golden Horns with Hungry Eyes , 2020


For sale

Coral Reef No. 2 , 2019


For sale

Coral Reef No. 1, 2019


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Art Walk/TrailArtist TalkArts vacancyCommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairDesigner/maker fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationMentoringOpen studiosParticipatory projectResidencyStudio spacesWorkshop
DigitalDrawingFilm / VideoInstallationLive artPaintingPhotographySculptureSocially Engaged PracticeSound
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