Artizan 2018 Summer Open

Deadline: 15/06/2018

Venue: Artizan Gallery Pop-up Space, Unit 5, Fleet Walk  |  City: Torquay  |  Region: Devon  |  Country: United Kingdom  |  Artizan Gallery

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The Artizan Summer Open Exhibition is back, and this year we’re on tour! Thanks to the sponsorship of London based Edinburgh House Estates, we’ll be bringing our Summer Open to a prominent high street location on Torquay’s Fleet Walk, with a 4-week long exhibition in which we hope to offer space to 100+ artists at the height of the Summer Season.


About the Venue

We have secured a large unit on the lower level of Fleet Walk towards the harbour situated amongst other occupied high street premises including high end retailers and lifestyle brands. We’ll be running the space as a pop-up with access from July 6th to August 17th. From July 6th - 11th we’ll be getting the space up to scratch, creating a white box and installing a professional hanging system with the aim of giving the space a modern urban feel to ensure we can present the exhibition to the highest possible standards.

About the Opportunity

This is a great opportunity to display multiple artists’ work at the height of our season and we will be seeking submissions from artists across the South West to take part. We anticipate that this will be a major event on Torbay’s Cultural Calendar, falling in the height of the Summer Season at the heart of the town centre, and offering an opportunity to show the best of our local talent. We’ll also be inviting national and international artists to submit work, welcoming creatives from further afield into the Bay to demonstrate its value as a place to show and exhibit.

This will be a selective exhibition with works from within the South West and work from further afield judged separately by Artizan Gallery and a group of invited judges. As always, the theme is completely open and we welcome submissions from artists of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.

Exhibition Details

Exhibition Dates: 12th July – 16th August

Artist Preview: TBC (Around 13th July)

Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00-17:00 / Sunday 11:00-16:00

Call Details

Deadline for Submissions: June 15th Midnight

Confirmation of Success: June 18th

Delivery of Work: Works must be delivered between 8AM and 10AM from July 6th – 10th to the exhibition space on Fleet Walk (full details will be made available to successful applicants).We will aim to offer flexibility to allow artists to deliver work but can accept works no later than 10AM on July 10th. Works being submitted by post should also arrive between these dates to the same location.

Collection of Work: To maximise use of the space, work must be collected between 8AM and 6PM on August 17th. Applicants whose work will be collected by courier will be advised of arrangements separately.


Artists may submit up to 6 pieces for consideration.

Artists may submit 2D or 3D works to the show.

Successful artists may be invited to display browser pieces at our discretion.

For a submission to be valid we require:

  • A completed submission form
  • A signed copy of the Terms and Conditions
  • Accurate calculation and payment of full fee

2D Works

2D works will be no more than 80x80cm. Works over this size will be considered as two pieces and therefore attract the appropriate fee.

All works must be framed to a high standard and mounted with d-rings for display.

Half width canvases must be presented in a box frame.

Special display arrangements may be made but any requirements must be made known at the time of submission.

3D Works

3D works will stand no taller than 100cm high and have a footprint of no wider than 60x60cm.

Please note that for security 3D works will be displayed in the rear half of the space to minimise the risk of theft.

We cannot accept submissions of jewellery to the exhibition.

Fees and Sales

A low rate of 30% commission will apply to any sales.

All accepted work will be listed on a dedicated exhibition page on our sister site for sale online.

Payments for sales will be made within 30 days of the close of the exhibition.

Conditions of Entry

For full Terms and Conditions please see here.

Pieces cannot be sold elsewhere whilst they’re on display in the exhibition. If your piece does sell elsewhere it will be subject to our commission.

Artists must complete the submission form in full.

Artists must agree to our Terms and Conditions.

Artist must accurately calculate and pay their submission fee in full to be considered for acceptance to the exhibition.

Works cannot be removed during the exhibition unless sold.

Sold works may be replaced for pieces of a similar size and style at the discretion of the judging panel.

All participating artists are expected to play an active role in the promotion of the exhibition.

Submission Fees

Submission fees must be paid for your work to be considered for the exhibition. Anyone who submits works to the exhibition is entitled to a reduced membership on Arthub which if they take advantage of entitles them to the associated fee bracket below:

Standard Submission

First Piece: £20

Second Piece: £5

Third Piece: £5

Fourth Piece: £5

Fifth Piece: £5

Sixth Piece: £5

Arthub Standard Member

First Piece: £15

Second Piece: £5

Third Piece: £5

Fourth Piece: £5

Fifth Piece: £5

Sixth Piece: Free

Arthub E-commerce Member

First Piece: £10

Second Piece: £5

Third Piece: £5

Fourth Piece: £5

Fifth Piece: £5

Sixth Piece: Free

Associated Art Society

First Piece: £15

Second Piece: £5

Third Piece: £5

Fourth Piece: £5

Fifth Piece: £5

Sixth Piece: Free

Young Person (under 21)

First Piece: £10

Second Piece: Free

Third Piece: Free

Fourth Piece: £5

Fifth Piece: £5

Sixth Piece: £5

Arthub Offer

Subscribe to Art-Hub for an Artist Profile Page worth £30 pa for £10.

Subscribe to an E-Commerce page with Artist Profile worth £150 pa for £65.


Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
Anyone is eligible for this opportunity and we encourage artists of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to submit work.
When is the deadline?
The deadline for submissions is midnight 15th June.
How many works can I submit?
You can submit a maximum of 6 works.
When is the delivery date?
We will aim to be as flexible as possible with delivery and drop-off of work. If you feel the below details may prevent you from applying, please get in touch with us for assistance.

Works must be delivered between 8AM and 10AM from July 6th – 10th to the exhibition space on Fleet Walk (full details will be made available to successful applicants). We will aim to offer flexibility to allow artists to deliver work but can accept works no later than 10AM on July 10th. Works being submitted by post should also arrive between these dates to the same location.
When do I need to collect my work?
We will aim to be as flexible as possible with delivery and drop-off of work. If you feel the below details may prevent you from applying, please get in touch with us for assistance.

To maximise use of the space, work must be collected between 8AM and 6PM on August 17th. Applicants whose work will be collected by courier will be advised of arrangements separately.
How much does it cost?
Fees vary but start from as little as £10. For full details please see the opportunity description.
Are there payments to artists?
Artists will have the ability to sell their work. Commission of 30% is taken on all sales.
Is there a private view / opening?
There will be an Artist Preview event, the date of which is to be confirmed.
What are the exhibition opening hours?
Monday-Saturday 10:00-17:00 // Sunday 11:00-16:00
Does the location have disabled access?
What publicity will be provided as part of the opportunity?
Extensive promotion is carried out as part of the exhibition across a broad range of online, social and print platforms. We welcome enquiries if you require more information.
Do I need to be present?
Unless you have agreed to steward via an associated art society, you do not need to steward at this event. All artists are encouraged to attend the preview event though.
How do you decide on submissions?
Submissions are judged by the Artizan Team and judges from associated art societies.
What happens if my proposal is chosen?
If you're submissions is accepted you will be required to meet all dates in the call. You will receive an artists pack with full details of your responsibilities and how to support the exhibition.
What kind of works are you looking for?
This is an unthemed open and any works can be submitted.
Are there conditions of entry?
Full Terms and Conditions can be found here:
How do I pay my fee?
Fees are payable in cash in person at Artizan Gallery, by cheque, or via BACs:

Name on Account: Artizan
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 772918
Account Number: 38546760
(please reference your payment with your initials plus the number of pieces e.g JB5)

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