'lump it' - open call for lumps!

Deadline: 14/06/2021

Venue: https://wysingbroadcasts.art  |  City: Online  |  Poppy Jones-Little

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An open call for an online explore page, focused upon found 'lumps'.

Please send in any instance of 'lump' you have encountered.

You might have found 'lump' written within a poem or novel, on food packaging or a street sign, in song lyrics, a documentary, product describitions or maps.

You may have seen a 'lump' pictured in a book, comic, newspaper or film, on a jigsaw, album cover or t-shirt.

Or photographed a 'lump' you've seen in the street, a pond, or a cupboard.

Any variation of 'lump' - anything 'lumpen', 'lumpy', or 'lumpish' - is welcome!

The words we use, often without realising it, shape our reality. 'Lump' is vague and can encompass so much - what does it really mean? It is crucial to pick apart words or phrases that we use in passing, and consider what we are really paying reference to. This everyday, monosyllabic word is often overlooked, or slips in without clear intention; through honing in on the 'lump' we might begin to reconsider how we view or categorise our wider world.

We all encounter 'lumps' in some way or another, consciously or not, and so anyone can engage with this project.  

The online explore page will be publically viewable from the 1st July 2021, on Wysing Broadcasts.


Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
Anyone 18 and over.
When is the deadline?
14 June 2021.
How many works can I submit?
Up to three images and three texts.
How much does it cost?
Free to submit.
Are there payments to artists?
Is there a private view / opening?
The explore page will be viewable from 1 July 2021.
What happens if my proposal is chosen?
It will be uploaded to the online explore page.
What kind of proposals are you looking for?
Anything containing 'lump'.

You must have an account to send a message to the curator of this opportunity. Registering only takes a few moments. Once registered you'll be able to keep track of all of your submissions and get updates on upcoming opportunities.


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