Lyndon Watkinson

Suburban Utopia, An Infertile Place. Digital Arts Orginisation Established 2020. Delivering in Digital Artwork, Articles, Design, & Publications underpinned by the democritisation of art practice. Making reputable, tangible, and professional experiences accessible to all.

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Lyndon Watkinson

Previous projects

  • "TENSION" - Artist book by SU4IP

    Dates: 03/03/2023 — 07/04/2023  |  City: Sheffield, UK

    A publication inviting artists to submit work engaging with the theme of "TENSION", the first of which to operate in the submission style. Of 35 submissions, 21 artists exhibited their word inside, offering a broad range of mediums and techniques all with a common thematic approach or relationship. Both a physical and digital copies were individually sent to each participant, with remaining copies being sold on the SU4IP Etsy Store.