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  • Kathy Bruce

    Location: Argyll, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Art Walk/TrailCompetitionExhibitionJournal/PublicationResidency
    Works with
    Art writingArtists’ booksCollageInstallationSculpture
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    U.K. based Visual Artist working in collage and environmental sculptural installations.

  • Environmental sculptor

    Location: Carmarthenshire, United Kingdom
    Interested in
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    Based in West Wales, I am a bilingual artist who has earned a successful living over the past twenty years within the creative arts by competing for both public sited artwork commissions and artist-in-residencies throughout Wales and England. Competing in International Sculpture Commissions and Symposiums in Italy, Germany and Finland.

  • Christie

    Location: Surrey, United Kingdom
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    During total isolation, in lockdown, I painted over a 164 artworks up to date. I also took up meditation which allowed my imagination to flow again. It was cathartic and eased the trauma from what was happening in the outside world. Life is returning back to what was before, but with a greater sense of appreciating family and friends, united.

  • Matthew Turner

    Location: Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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    My work explores the relationship between science and art. I visited the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics and I was inspired to paint. Struck by the huge space hardware, it seemed to me that space exploration represented the most positive aspects of humanity. Great achievements are only made possible by the collaboration of skilled, knowledgeable people working together towards a common goal.

  • Colin Gillespie

    Location: Greater London, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    CompetitionJournal/PublicationParticipatory project
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    PrintmakingSocially Engaged Practice
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    I use printmaking as a means of responding to situations or events that interest me - these tend to fall within the broad area of social, political or environmental issues. I've recently maintained a focus for my work upon the situation in the Ukraine


    Location: Greater London, United Kingdom
    Interested in
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    I graduated from the Royal college of Art 2001. As an artist I am interested in the fugitive relationship between the sublime, the abject, and contemporary perceptions of beauty. I am interested in exploring form and material structure to expand the boundaries, physical presence , and significance of painting, and in this context its potency as a vehicle for metaphor and ideas.

  • Jeff Hunter

    Location: Dorset, United Kingdom
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    I work in a range of media ....drawing, collage, assemblage.... on card, paper, wood and ceramics. I am presently exploring video and painting.

  • Stuart Cashmore

    Location: United Kingdom
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    I'm a self-taught semi-professional photographer who lives and works in London. I have been taking photographs since the age of nine when my father gave me my first camera and introduced me to the magic of developing and printing photos in the darkroom. Photography has been my lifelong passion alongside a 40 plus year career in IT and, now retired, I spend almost all of my time making pictures.

  • Cameron Lings

    Location: North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Art Walk/TrailArts vacancyCommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationOpen studiosParticipatory projectResidencyStudio spacesVolunteeringWorkshop
    Works with
    Art writingCeramicsCollageDigitalDrawingGlassIllustrationInstallationInternetJewelleryLive artPaintingPrintmakingSculptureSocially Engaged PracticeTextTextile
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    Cameron Lings is a contemporary artist from the industrial-known town: Scunthorpe, UK. His practice combines elements of science and mathematics, these factors are critical in realising his uniquely abstract forms, where artistic form is generated from data-sets. Material choice also proves itself as a vital aspect of his work, ultimately pushing contextual and conceptual depth.

  • Alastair Noble

    Location: Argyll, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Artist book fairArtist TalkContemporary art fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationResidency
    Works with
    Art writingArtists’ booksDrawingInstallationText
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    My artistic practice is a response to architecture and the natural environment and reflects on particular sites in the context of poetry and literature. Alternative approaches to mapping is the crux of my research, I juxtapose and transform words, signs, symbols and texts into installations, artist’s books, prints and drawings.

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